IAEA Safeguards: Required Readings
IAEA Safeguard Overview (Tutorial)
An interactive tutorial on IAEA safeguards published by the Nuclear Threat Initiative.
Produced by the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies for the Nuclear Threat Initiative
NPT & Safeguards
A fact sheet from the March 2007 IAEA Bulletin that explains the relationship between IAEA safeguards and the NPT.
International Atomic Energy Agency
The Legal Framework for IAEA Safeguards
A fact sheet produced by the IAEA about the different legal bases for IAEA safeguards implementation, including the IAEA Statute, INFCIRC/153 (Corr.), INFCIRC/540 (Corr.) and others.
International Atomic Energy Agency
How States Benefit from Amending or Rescinding Small Quantities Protocols
A brief in the VCDNP’s Governing the Atom series focusing on small quantities protocols to safeguards agreements.
Noah Mayhew, Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation
Navigating the IAEA’s Budget Process
A brief in the VCDNP’s Governing the Atom series focusing on the IAEA’s budget process and associated challenges.
Noah Mayhew and Ingrid Kirsten, Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation