IAEA Safeguards: Additional Resources
Nuclear 101: How IAEA Safeguards Work (video)
Matthew Bunn, Belfer Center
Safeguards and Nonproliferation: The First Half-Century from a Legal Perspective
Laura Rockwood, Journal of Nuclear Materials Management
Legal Framework for IAEA Safeguards
Laura Rockwood, International Atomic Energy Agency
The IAEA’s Safeguards System as the Non-Proliferation Treaty’s Verification Mechanism
John Carlson, Vladimir Kuchinov and Thomas Shea, Nuclear Threat Initiative
Safeguards Noncompliance: A Challenge for the IAEA and the UN Security Council
Pierre Goldschmidt, Arms Control Association
Understanding States’ Experiences in Safeguards: Challenges to and Opportunities for Entry into Force and Implementation
Noah Mayhew, Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation
Evaluation of the Impact of the Model Additional Protocol on Non-Nuclear-Weapon States with Comprehensive Safeguards Agreements.
Laura Rockwood, Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation
IAEA Safeguards: Staying Ahead of the Game
Laura Rockwood, Noah Mayhew, Artem Lazarev and Mara Zarka, Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation
The IAEA’s State-Level Concept and the Law of Unintended Consequences
Laura Rockwood, Arms Control Association
A Lexical History of the State-Level Concept and Issues for Today
Noah Mayhew, Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation
Reflecting on the Annexes to the Model Additional Protocol in Support of Nuclear Governance
Noah Mayhew, Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation
Six Questions on Naval Nuclear Propulsion and IAEA Safeguards
A brief in the VCDNP’s Governing the Atom series focusing on legal issues surrounding naval nuclear propulsion and safeguards.
Noah Mayhew, Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation
IAEA Verification of Fissile Material in Support of Nuclear Disarmament
Laura Rockwood and Thomas Shea, Belfer Center
How Far Can Inspectors Go?
George Bunn, International Atomic Energy Agency